Interdisciplinary lecture series: Climate Change and Climate Crisis
"Warming Stripes" for Vienna from 1775-2019
290209 VO Climate Change and Climate Crisis. Science, Activism and Policy in the Climate Emergency WS2023
This lecture series is a sequel to the lecture series "Climate change and climate crisis" WS2019 - present. It will address current issues of climate change and climate crisis through the lenses of various disciplines, such as climate science, geography, economics, cultural studies, political science, law, finance and more.
All of the national and international speakers are well-known researchers in their respective fields and beyond. Many of them participate in public debates about the probable effects of the current climate crisis and about possible remedies.
290109 VO Climate Change and Climate Crisis. Staying within Planetary Boundaries. WS2022
This lecture series is a sequel to the lecture series "Climate change and climate crisis" WS2019 - present. It will address current issues of climate change and climate crisis through the lenses of various disciplines, such as climate science, geography, economics, cultural studies, political science, law, finance and more.
All of the national and international speakers are well-known researchers in their respective fields and beyond. Many of them participate in public debates about the probable effects of the current climate crisis and about possible remedies.
290105 VO Climate Change and Climate Crisis. Transformative concepts and innovation. WS2021
This lecture series is a sequel to the lecture series "Climate change and climate crisis. Interdisciplinary perspectives" and "Climate change and climate crisis. Future perspectives and concepts". It will address current issues of climate change and climate crisis through the lenses of various disciplines, such as climate science, geography, economics, cultural studies, political science, law, finance and more.
All of the national and international speakers are well-known researchers in their respective fields and beyond. Many of them participate in public debates about the probable effects of the current climate crisis and about possible remedies.
290055 VO Climate Change and Climate Crisis. Future perspectives and concepts. (2020W)
This lecture series is a sequel to last year's successful lecture series "Climate Change and Climate Crisis - Interdisciplinary Perspectives".
It addresses current issues from various disciplines: climate science, geography, economics, cultural studies, political science, law, finance and many more.
This time, we have a stronger focus on future perspectives and concepts, with ongoing research on sustainability, attribution studies, possible political, societal and management solutions (upcoming EU and Austrian laws, alternative traffic concepts, alternative economy, alternative land-use) and other best-case scenarios.
All of the speakers are well-known researchers in their respective fields and beyond. They are from various institutions: University of Vienna, Vienna University of Economics and Buisiness (WU), Technical University of Vienna (TU), Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynmaik (ZAMG), University of Oxford, Univ.s of Mannheim, Flensburg and Potsdam. Many of the speakers participate in public debates about the probable effects of the current climate crisis and about possible remedies. The final program will be presented in due time.
This lecture series is open to all students of the University of Vienna and to the wider public.
For specific lecture dates, topics, lecturers, and livestream, please click here.
180184 VO Climate Change and Climate Crisis. Interdisciplinary Perspectives (2019W)
This lecture series investigates climate change and climate crisis through the lenses of a number of disciplines: ecology, political science, ethics, climate science, geography, geology, cultural studies, oceanography, biology, economics, as well as history, philosophy and sociology of science.
All of the speakers are well-known researchers in their respective fields and beyond. Many of them participate in public debates about the probable effects of the current climate crisis and about possible remedies.
The lecture series is open to all students of the University of Vienna and to the wider public. For more information about the eligibility of the series in your study programme please contact the StudiesServiceCenter of your degree programme.
Elisabeth Nemeth, Martin Kusch (Faculty of Philosophy and Education)
Christa Schleper (Faculty of Life Sciences)
Tutorial assistance: Philipp Ackerl
Supported and initiated by:
Institute Vienna Circle (Faculty of Philosophy and Education)
Senatsliste UNI-VIT- unabhängige Initiative für Vielfalt und Transparenz
For specific lecture dates, topics, and lecturers, please click here.