Talks and events
Christa Schleper @ "microONE"
28.09.2022: First Vienna Summit on Microplastics and Health 2022
microONE - Microplastic Particles: A Hazard for Human Health?
The First Vienna Summit on Microplastics and Health provided the unique possibility to exchange thoughts with true international experts in the field. A list of distinguished researchers contributed to the meeting, concluding in expert opinion talks.
Speakers inkluded:
Christa Schleper (Vienna, Austria), Silke Christiansen (Erlangen, Germany),Georg Gübitz (Vienna, Austria), Melissa Mather (Nottingham, UK), Sibylle Trawöger (Würzburg, Germany), Suzanne Turner (Cambridge, UK), and Dick Vethaak (Amsterdam/Delft, Netherlands).
For more information, please click here: microONE | CBmed GmbH Center for Biomarker Research in Medicine
Simon Rittmann @ "Kaiserschild Lectures"
21.04.2022, interactive Expert-Diskussion:
"Mission Energiewende: Wieviel Zukunft steckt in grünem Wasserstoff?"
Simon Rittmann was invited as expert to the kick-off lecture, exploring the potential of green hydrogen in fossil energy sources. Together with his research group, Simon's research topics include biological methane production from H2/CO2 and CO, as well as dark fermentative biohydrogen production or industrial microbiology.
This year Kaierschild Lectures focuses on "green hydrogen". Green hydrogen theoretically has great potential in directly replacing fossil energy supply, as it has great energy storage potential and said energy can be released through combution. However, production, storage and transport of green hydrogen are technically challenging and currently subject to high financial cost.
This public lecture was recorded and can be streamed from youtube (see link below).
Youtube: Mission Energiewende: Wieviel Zukunft steckt in grünem Wasserstoff? - "Kaiserschild Lectures"
Please download folder here.
Kaiserschild Lectures is an annual event series focusing on innovation topics with the aim of creating a dialogue between students, scientists and economists. Interactive discussions allow students to participate in current matters and to inspire future scientists.
Kaiserschild Lectures are held in cooperation between the University Vienna Postgraduate Center and the nonprofit Kaiserschild foundation.
© Dr Christoph Öhlknecht
© Corona Borealis
Christa Schleper @ "Lectures for Future"
26.04.2021, Panel-Diskussion:
"What should be the role of universities in fighting the climate crisis? Does TU Wien do enough?"
- What role should universities have in fighting the climate crisis? In teaching, research, public outreach?
- How should the climate crisis be communicated to students?
- Did you observe any change in relevance of climate-related content in teaching during the past years? And in the awareness among students?
- What potential do you see in the Lectures for Future?
- Does TU Wien do enough, what& could be improved?
Discussing these questions were Rene Sedmik (Scientists for Future, TU Wien, Atominstitut), Christa Schleper (Lectures for Future, Uni Wien, Mikrobiologie), Anna Kalhorn (Build for Future, TU Wien), Klara Butz (Students for Future, Fridays for Future), Mariette Vreughdenil (TU GreenTeam, TU Wien, Geodäsie und Geoinformation), and Christian Hellmich (TU Wien, Festigkeitslehre und Biomechanik)
Panel-Diskussion Lectures for Future TU Wien, organized by Wouter Dorigo, Christian Peer, and Helena Bernhardt, TU Wien
"Lectures for Future" is an interdisciplinary lecture series initiated by Scientists for Future. It's aim is to provide all interested parties with insight into the current state of science concerning the topics climate crisis, environment, and society.
Christa Schleper invited speaker at "Klimabildung for Future"
13. April 2021, Christa Schleper invited to speak at "Klimabildung for Future" on the topic "Protecting ecosystems: What is going on with the Nitrogen cycle? And what can we do about it?"
We can keep the climate crisis at bay if we act quickly and resolutely! Under this motto Fridays for Future organised a two part lecture series in collaboration with Scientists for Future and AECC Biology of the University of Vienna.
Ökosysteme schützen: Was ist los mit dem Stickstoffkreislauf? Und was können wir tun?
Tuesday, 13. April 2021
16:00 - 19:20
online only
The talk is open to all interested parties.
Please sign up here.
To download the program, please click here.
Christa Schleper invited speaker at FSS
8. April 2021 Christa Schleper invited to speak at Forum St. Stephan
Was läuft eigentlich falsch mit dem Stickstoffkreislauf – und wie können wir ihn entlasten?
Stickstoff ist ein wichtiger Nährstoff für alle Lebewesen und gleichzeitig verschmutzen sog. reaktive Stickstoffverbindungen die Umwelt, mit schwerwiegenden Folgen für die Biodiversität und die Gewässer. Aus diesem Grund wurde auch der derzeitige Stickstoffkreislauf als eine der großen planetaren Veränderungen hervorgehoben, deren Belastungsgrenze wir bereits irreversibel überschritten haben. (s. planetary boundaries). In diesem Vortrag werde ich den aktuellen globalen Stickstoffkreislauf, das Ausmaß der Düngemittelproduktion in der Landwirtschaft und die Auswirkungen unserer eigenen Essgewohnheiten ansprechen.
Es gibt große Unterschiede weltweit und es gibt auch bereits wirksame Minderungsstrategien für Stickstoffbelastungen und die Reduktion des damit verbundenen Treibhausgases N2O (Lachgas).
Aber es gilt auch zu diskutieren, wie diese in Zukunft besser umgesetzt werden können.
Moderation: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Kenner
Recorded talk (German only) available here.
To download the program, please click here.
Panel discussion International Women's Day 2021 @UniVie
9. March 2021 Christa Schleper panelist at International Women's Day 2021 @UniVie
Panel discussion:
Gender equality in science: Are we there yet? Proceeding with passion, persistence and perspectives
On the occasion of International Women's Day, female scientists are celebrated with a film screening and two panel discussions. Christa Schleper is part of the Austrian panel, joined by Barbara Fischer, Sabine Grenz, Barbara Schober, and Lena Vogelmann.
Moderation: Lena Yadalpalli
9 March 2021
18:30 - 19:30 pm
online only
Organization: WoChem - Women in Chemistry, WoBio - Women in Biology, Gender Equality and Diversity
STEM fatale Talk with Christa Schleper
11. February 2021 Christa Schleper invited speaker at STEM Fatale
What we can learn from Archaea about early evolution (and about a scientist)
Christa Schleper gives an update in the current knowledge of the ecology and evolution of archaea, on evolutionary scenarios as well as unresolved fundamental questions. Mixed in are accounts personal experiences of her own scientific STEM-fatale journey that equally bear some unexpected and unresolved scenarios.
STEM Fatale Talk for Wo[men] in Science 2021
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria)
11 Feb 2021
14:00-15:00 pm
About STEM fatale Talk Series:
Inspiring women across STEM disciplines present their career paths and research. They show how they overcame (gender-related) challenges in their professional lives and they exchange experiences with young (female) researchers.