Process engineering and modelling

In gas fermentation gases are converted by microorganisms into products like microbial biomass (single cell protein), liquids or other gases. The goal of this project is to develop, engineer and optimize bioreactor set-ups for establishing highly productive gas fermentation processes.

Duration 01.05.2024-30.04.2028

Funding agency: Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (acib GmbH)

Project number: #95103

Project leader: Dr. Simon Rittmann, Privatdoz., Archaea Physiology & Biotechnology Group, Universität Wien

This project is part of the FFG COMET: #906853 project 'Carbon utilization for bioproduction'.


More about COMET: "...The competence centres programmes are internationally recognised as best-practice model and have been among the most successful technology policy initiatives in Austria. COMET Competence Centres conduct application-oriented cutting-edge research at the highest level..."

More about acib: "...acib leads the development of industrial biotechnology to find solutions for a bio-based circular economy and better health for all..."

FFG article (23.10.2023): "...  Im aktuellen Forschungsprogramm werden industrielle biotechnologische Lösungen für den Übergang zu einer biobasierten Kreislaufwirtschaft und eine bessere Gesundheit entwickelt..."