"Metabolism and Physiology of mesophilic and thermophilic Ammonia Oxidizing Archaea"
"Raupenförmige Bakterien in unserem Mund"
"Exploring the diversity of ammonia oxidizing archaea in pristine arctic and agricultural soils"
... but you are welcome to join our climate change lecture in person!
The public presentation is chaired by the Director or Vice-Director of VDSEE and attended by the supervisor, members of the doctoral advisory...
"Research Action Network for Reducing Reactive Nitrogen Losses from Agricultural Ecosystems"
"Toward sustainable ecosystem service of the ocean"
"A safe and just future within planetary boundaries"
"Climate Change - A very short introduction"
"How microbes eliminate oxygen - the role of flavodiiron proteins"
Christina Plank (moderation), Katharina Bohnenberger, Marlene Engelhorn, Hendrik Theine, Katerina Vrtikapa (panelists)
"Laywers For Future: Why I sued the Austrian republic twice"