Thiago Rodrigues de Oliveira, PhD

Room: 3.032 

1030 Wien, Djerassiplatz 1

T: +43-1-4277-76517



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List of publications

Curriculum Vitae


Peer-reviewed journals

Greening, C., Cabotaje, PR, Alvarado L.E.V, Leung, P.M., Land, H., Rodrigues-Oliveira, T., et al. (2024) Unique minimal and hybrid hydrogenases are active from anaerobic archaea. Cell, 187(13): 3357-3372.e19.

Rodrigues-Oliveira, T., Wollweber, F., Ponce-Toledo, R.I. et al. (2023) Actin cytoskeleton and complex cell architecture in an Asgard archaeon. Nature 613, 332–339.

Belmok, A., Rodrigues-Oliveira, T., Lopes, F. A. C., Krüger, R. H., & Kyaw, C. M. (2021). The influence of primer choice on archaeal phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene PCR. Braz. J. Biol., 83, 1–8.

Rodrigues-Oliveira T, Souza AA, Kruger R, Schuster B, S, Kyaw CM (2019) Environmental factors influence the Haloferax volcanii S-layer protein structure. PLOS ONE 14(5): e0216863.

Belmok, A., Rodrigues-Oliveira, T., Lopes, F. A. C., Miranda, H. S., Krüger, R. H., Kyaw, C. M. (2019). Long-Term Effects of Periodical Fires on Archaeal Communities from Brazilian Cerrado Soils. Archaea, v. 2019, p. 1–11.

Rodrigues-Oliveira, T., Belmok, A., Vasconcellos, D., Schuster, B., Kyaw, C.M. (2017). Archaeal S-Layers: Overview and Current State of the Art. Frontiers in Microbiology, v. 8, p. 1-17.

Rodrigues, T., Belmok, A., Catão, E., Kyaw, C. M. (2016). Archaea in Natural and Impacted Brazilian Environments. Archaea, v. 2016, p. 1-14.

Rodrigues, T., Catão, E., Bustamante, M. M. C., Quirino, B. F., Kruger, R. H., Kyaw, C. M. (2014) . Seasonal Effects in a Lake Sediment Archaeal Community of the Brazilian Savanna. Archaea, v. 2014, p. 1-9.


Articles in preparation

Rodrigues-Oliveira, T., Hager, K., Monserrat-Diez, M., Bauer, P., Ponce-Toledo, R., Glatzel, S., Schleper, C. Exploring the Ecological Diversity and Distribution of Asgard Archaea Across Selected European Aquatic Environments

Ponce-Toledo, R., Rodrigues-Oliveira, T, Wollweber, F., White, M., Pilhofer, M., Erdmann, S., Schleper, C. The social life of an Asgard archaeon

Wollweber, F., Xu, J., Ponce-Toledo, R., Rodrigues-Oliveira, T., Malit, J.J.L., Kokhanovska, A., Wieczorek, M., Schleper, C., Pilhofer, M. Mini-microtubules in Asgard archaea

Bauer, P., Rodrigues-Oliveira, T., Hager, K., Zechmeister, T., Schleper, C., Glatzel, S. Seasonal change of diurnal cycle of CO2 and CH4 fluxes per each pathway of a subsaline reed ecosystem under the influence of drought

Book chapters

Rodrigues-Oliveira, T., Belmok, A., Kyaw, C.M. . Northern blot: detecção de RNA por hibridização em membranas. [Northern blot: RNA detection through membrane hybridization] In: Marlene Teixeira De-Souza; Marcelo Macêdo Brígido; Andréa Queiroz Maranhão. (Org.). Técnicas Básicas em Biologia Molecular. 2ed. Brasília: Editora UnB, 2016, v. 2, p. 265-272.

Belmok, A., Rodrigues-Oliveira, T., Kyaw, C.M. . Southern Blot: detecção de fragmentos de DNA imobilizados em membranas. [Southern blot: detection of DNA fragments immobilized on membranes] In: Marlene Teixeira De-Souza; Marcelo de Macêdo Brígido; Andréa Queiroz Maranhão. (Org.). Técnicas Básicas em Biologia Molecular. 2ed. Brasília: Editora UnB, 2016, v. 2, p. 231-250.

Abstracts in International Conferences

Rodrigues-Oliveira, T.; Wollweber, F.; Ponce-Toledo, R. ; Xu, J. ; Hager, K.; Pilhofer, M.; Schleper, C. (2023) Cultivated Lokiarchaea from Shallow Estuarine Sediments Reveal an Actin Cytoskeleton and Complex Cell Walls in Asgard Archaea. In: GRC Archaea: Ecology, Metabolism and Molecular Biology, Mount Snow, United States of America.

Rodrigues-Oliveira, T.; Wollweber, F.; Ponce-Toledo, R. ; Xu, J. ; Rittmann, S. ; Klingl, A. ; Pilhofer, M. ; Schleper, C. (2022) Complex cytoskeleton and cell architecture in an Asgard archaeon. In: Molecular Biology of Archaea 7, 2022, Frankfurt, Germany. Molecular Biology of Archaea 7 Abstract Book.

Rodrigues-Oliveira, T.; Souza, A.A.; Kruger, R.; Schuster, B.; Freitas, S.M.; Kyaw, C.M (2018) Changes on the Haloferax volcanii S-layer protein structure according to environmental factors. In: Molecular biology of archaea: From mechanisms to ecology, 2018, Vienna, Austria. Molecular Biology of Archaea 6 Abstract Book.

Belmok, A. ; Rodrigues, T. ; Miranda, H. S. ; Kruger, R. H. ; Kyaw, C. M. (2014) Análise da diversidade de Archaea em solos de Cerrado sensu stricto submetidos ou não a queimadas bienais. [Archaeal diversity analyses in Cerrado sensu stricto soils submitted to biennial fires] In: XXII Congreso Latinoamericano de Microbiología y 4 Congreso Colombiano de Microbiología, Cartagena, Colombia.

Rodrigues, T.; Catão, E. C. P.; Bustamante, M. M. C.; Kyaw, C. M. (2012) Estudo da riqueza de membros do domínio Archaea em sedimentos de lagoas do cerrado por caracterização de genes de rRNA 16S. [A study of archaeal richness in Cerrado lake sediments using rRNA 16S genes as markers] In: XXI Congresso Latino Americano de Microbiologia, Santos, Brazil.