New publication by Zipperle et al. in Fermentation


"Biomethanation of Carbon Monoxide by Hyperthermophilic Artificial Archaeal Co-Cultures"

Congratulations to Aaron Zipperle, Barbara Reischl, Tilman Schmider, Michael Stadlbauer, Christian Pruckner, Simon Rittmann and their colleagues at the Department of Experimental Biology, Masaryk University, Czech Republic) on their new paper in Fermentation:

"Biomethanation of Carbon Monoxide by Hyperthermophilic Artificial Archaeal Co-Cultures"

In the research paper by Zipperle et al. we assessed the suitability of artificial archaeal co-cultures for fast conversion of carbon monoxide to methane.


Original paper:

Fermenation, DOI: 10.3390/fermentation7040276


Zipperle A, Reischl B, Schmider T, Stadlbauer M, Kushkevych I, Pruckner C, Vitezova M, Rittmann S (2021). Biomethanation of Carbon Monoxide by Hyperthermophilic Artificial Archaeal Co-Cultures. Fermentation 7(4): 276. DOI: 10.3390/fermentation7040276.


Full article: Biomethanation of Carbon Monoxide by Hyperthermophilic Artificial Archaeal Co-Cultures.