New publication by Steger et al. in Frontiers in Energy Research


"Trickle-Bed Bioreactors for Acetogenic H2/CO2 Conversion"

Congratulations to Steger F, Ergal İ, Daubek A, Loibl N, Rachbauer L, Fuchs W, Rittmann SK-MR and Bochmann G on their new publication in Frontiers in Energy Research:


Trickle-Bed Bioreactors for Acetogenic H2/CO2 Conversion

Steger et al. evaluated trickle-bed bioreactors for acetic acid production from H2 and CO2 by an anaerobic enrichment culture. A maximum acetic acid concentration of 40 g/L was obtained. They conclude that trickle-bed bioreactors are a suitable possibility for conversion of H2/CO2 to acetate.


Original paper:

Steger F, Ergal İ, Daubek A, Loibl N, Rachbauer L, Fuchs W, Rittmann SK-MR and Bochmann G (2022) Trickle-Bed Bioreactors for Acetogenic H2/CO2 Conversion. Front. Energy Res. 10:842284. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2022.842284

Simon Rittmann