New publication by Neukirchen et al. in The ISME Journal


"Stepwise pathway for early evolutionary assembly of dissimilatory sulfite and sulfate reduction"

Congratulations to Sinje Neukirchen, Inês A. C. Pereira and Filipa L. Sousa on their new publication in The ISME Journal


"Stepwise pathway for early evolutionary assembly of dissimilatory sulfite and sulfate reduction"

In this study, comparative genomics, phylogenetic, and synteny analyses of several dissimilatory sulfite reductase (Dsr) proteins were performed. The combined analysis revealed common trends regarding how the Dsr pathway has evolved over time. The results point to an archaeal origin of the minimal DsrABCMK protein set with a primordial sulfite-reducing function. Further adaptations and acquisitions of additional enzymes led to the currently known diversity of microorganisms respiring sulfur compounds.


Original paper:

Neukirchen, S., Pereira, I. A., & Sousa, F. L. (2023). Stepwise pathway for early evolutionary assembly of dissimilatory sulfite and sulfate reduction. The ISME Journal, 1-13.



© Neukirchen et al. Fig. 1: Phylogenetic reconstruction sulfite reductases.

Sinje Neukirchen

Filipa Sousa