"Pipeline for Development and Commercialization of Biological Nitrification Inhibitors to mitigate GHG Emissions from Cultivated Soils"
Archaea Ecology & Evolution and Environmental Cell Biology Groups head into the mountains..
"Haloarchaea as emerging big players in future polyhydroxyalkanoate bioproduction: Review of trends and perspectives"
"microONE - Microplastic Particles: A Hazard for Human Health?"
"Modular structure of complex II: An evolutionary perspective"
"Scale-up of biomass production with Methanococcus maripaludis and heterologous expression of carbon storage pathway enzymes of Nitrososphaera...
"If nothing changes, everything changes - climate activism, politics and the way forward"
"Science, Society and the Climate Crisis - Ethical Perspectives"
"Can we achieve climate resilient development of all?"
"Climate change impacts and adaptation options in agriculture"
"Living Well Within Planetary Limits: Is it possible? And what will it take?"
"Smart spatial strategies and climate change"