"Analysis of biomass productivity and physiology of Nitrososphaera viennensis grown in continuous culture"
"Higher biotic than abiotic natural variability of the plankton ecosystem revealed by a time series along a subantarctic transect"
"Unexpected complexity of the ammonia monooxygenase in archaea"
“Cultivation and Characterization of Novel Lokiarchaeia”
"Modular structure of complex II: An evolutionary perspective"
"Actin cytoskeleton and complex cell architecture in an Asgard archaeon"
"Agroecosystems and sustainability - the next green revolution"
"Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss - Two Siamese twins"
"Imperial and solidary mode of living. Why it is so difficult to act against the climate crisis - and which alternatives are possible?"
"European Forests in times of climate change and biodiversity crisis"
"Forests under climate change: disturbance and resilience"