Workshop: "Nitrogen: a cross-cutting environmental challenge"


Exciting workshop coming up! We invite you to the DK+ event, co-organized with the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) funded DK plus "Microbial Nitrogen Cycling" and the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) are co-organizing a Nitrogen workshop.

27 February 2019, 2:00-6:00pm

Theatersaal of the ÖAW, Sonnenfelsgasse 19, 1010 Vienna

Check out the program! 


Invited speakers:

Georg Brasseur, Austrian Academy of Sciences

Georg Guggenberger, Institute of Soil Science, Leibniz University Hannover

Gilles Billen, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Sorbonne-Université, Paris

Maren Voss, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Rostock

Wilfried Winiwarter, Climate and Air Quality Commission, OeAW

Chair: Christa Schleper