We are pleased to invite you to Vienna to attend ICoN5, the 5th International Conference on Nitrification and Related Processes.
Be prepared for an exciting program that includes sessions on new physiologies and organisms, biochemistry and biomarkers, engineered systems, sustainability, evolution, and ecology. This wide range of topics will be covered by keynote lectures, invited and contributed talks, posters, and an early career workshop for young scientists. Social activities will include an opening reception, a conference dinner in the historic main building of the University of Vienna, and a getting together in one of Vienna’s most vibrant areas. The beautiful city of Vienna is not only the world’s capital of music – it features a World Heritage historic center, a huge number of top art galleries and museums, excellent wining and dining opportunities, fantastic hiking opportunities through vineyards and the Vienna Woods, and many other attractions. Summers in Vienna are beautifully sunny and comfortably warm and are the absolutely best season to visit this fascinating old city.
The ICoN meetings are the premier biennial opportunity for sharing scientific research related to nitrification, links between nitrification and other processes of the global nitrogen and other elemental cycles, and applications of insights from fundamental science to technical and environmental systems.
Find out more: https://icon5.univie.ac.at/welcome/