New publication in nature communications


"SepF is the FtsZ anchor in archaea, with features of an ancestral cell division system"

Congratulations to Pende et al. for their new paper on archaeal cell biology in Nature Communications and to the co-authors Hayk Palabikyan and Simon K.-M.R. Rittmann from Archaea Physiology & Biotechnology Group.


"SepF is the FtsZ anchor in archaea, with features of an ancestral cell division system"


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Original paper:

Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23099-8

SepF is the FtsZ anchor in archaea, with features of an ancestral cell division system

Nika Pende, Adria Sogues, Daniela Megrian, Anna Sartori-Rupp, Patrick England, Hayk Palabikyan, Rimon K.-M.R., Martin Grana, Anna Marie Wehenkel, Pedro Alzari, Simonetta Gribaldo


Full article: SepF is the FtsZ anchor in archaea, with features of an ancestral cell division system | Nature Communications

Nika Pende

Hayk Palabikyan

Simon K.-M. R. Rittmann