New publication in Nature Communications


"Previously uncharacterized rectangular bacterial structures in the dolphin mouth"

Congratulations to Silvia Bulgheresi and Tobias Viehböck for their contribution to the new paper in Nature Communications: 


"Previously uncharacterized rectangular bacterial structures in the dolphin mouth"

Abstract: Much remains to be explored regarding the diversity of uncultured, host-associated microbes. Here, we describe rectangular bacterial structures (RBSs) in the mouths of bottlenose dolphins. ...


Read the full article here: Previously uncharacterized rectangular bacterial structures in the dolphin mouth | Nature Communications

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Original article:

Dudek, N.K., Galaz-Montoya, J.G., Shi, H. et al. Previously uncharacterized rectangular bacterial structures in the dolphin mouth. Nat Commun 14, 2098 (2023).

© Dudek et al (2023) Fig 6: CryoET reveals the three-dimensional architecture of RBS-A components.

Silvia Bulgheresi

Tobias Viehböck