New publication by Val Karavaeva and Filipa Sousa


"Navigating the archaeal frontier: insights and projections from bioinformatic pipelines"

New publication by Val Karavaeva and Filipa Sousa in Frontiers in Microbiology:


Navigating the archaeal frontier: insights and projections from bioinformatic pipelines


In this paper we assessed how well different automatic annotations tools performed in relation to archaeal data, and compared the results to bacteria. Our findings revealed that there is a substantial gap between automatic classification tools and the comprehensive mapping of archaeal metabolism.

This study contributes to a better understanding of archaeal metabolism and underscores the importance of further research in elucidating the functional potential of archaeal genomes.


Original article:

Karavaeva, V., & Sousa, F. L. (2024). Navigating the Archaeal Frontier: Insights and Projections from Bioinformatic Pipelines. Frontiers in Microbiology15, 1433224.


© Karavaeva, Sousa. Figure 1. Percentage of archaeal unclassified proteins according to the pipeline classification per phylum.

Val Karavaeva

Filipa Sousa