New publication by Rodrigues et al in Nature


"Actin cytoskeleton and complex cell architecture in an Asgard archaeon"


Congratulations to Thiago Rodrigues-Oliveira, Florian Wollweber, Rafael I. Ponce-Toledo, Jingwei Xu, Simon K.-M. R. Rittmann, Andreas Klingl, Martin Pilhofer & Christa Schleper on their new publication in nature:


"Actin cytoskeleton and complex cell architecture in an Asgard archaeon"


A special thank you for the great collaboratin to Florian Wollweber (ETH Zürich), Andreas Klingl (LMU Munich), and Martin Pilhofer (ETH Zürich)!


Read the full article here: Actin cytoskeleton and complex cell architecture in an Asgard archaeon | Nature


Press coverage:

Nature News & Views: Mysterious Asgard archaea microbes reveal their inner secrets (

Science: Strange, tentacled microbe may resemble ancestor of complex life | Science | AAAS

Der Standard: Tentakelwesen aus Asgard in Wiener Forschungslabor gezüchtet - Natur - › Wissenschaft

APA Science: Dem Ursprung kom­ple­xer Lebe­we­sen auf der Spur (

science.apa: For­scher züch­te­ten mög­li­chen Vor­läu­fer höhe­rer Zel­len in Wie­ner Labor (

Wiener Zeitung: (1) Mikrobiologie - Mögliche Vorläufer höherer Zellen gezüchtet - Wiener Zeitung Online Mikrobiologie: Möglicher Vorläufer höherer Zellen gezüchtet -

Science Daily: Shedding light on the origin of complex life forms: Researchers cultivate 'missing link' microorganism -- ScienceDaily Möglicher Vorläufer höherer Zellen gezüchtet -

ETH Zürich: Dem Ursprung komplexer Lebewesen auf der Spur – Departement Biologie | ETH Zürich

Focus online: Bindeglied der frühen Evolution kultiviert - FOCUS online

NewKerala: Study sheds light on the origin of complex life forms ( Massive tentacled microbe may be direct ancestor of all complex life - Verve times Shedding light on the origin of complex life forms (

World News: ‘Missing link’: Scientists may have just found the source of all complex life forms - WorldNews (

Tech Explorist: Study sheds light on the origin of complex organisms on Earth (

skyNews: Shedding light on the origin of complex life forms – Sky News: The Latest News from the World

PrimeTimes. India: Strange, tentacled microbe may resemble ancestor of complex life – PrimeTimes.IN Shedding light on the origin of complex life forms ( Massive tentacled microbe may be direct ancestor of all complex life (

Japan Herald: Study sheds light on the origin of complex life forms (

webindia123: Study sheds light on the origin of complex life forms ( Science News | Study Sheds Light on the Origin of Complex Life Forms | LatestLY Massive tentacled microbe may be direct ancestor of all complex life - NewsExplorer

geektech online: Tentacled 'Asgardian' May Be An Ancestor of All Complex Life on Earth - Geek Tech Online Scientists investigated the close relatives of the first multicellular beings | Science | Seldon News ( Biologists forced ancient "asgardets" to breed in laboratory | Science | Seldon News (

NewsAKMI: Strange, tentacled microbe may resemble ancestor of complex life - News AKMI Wiener Labor: Möglicher Vorläufer höherer Zellen gezüchtet - Wien Aktuell - VIENNA.AT Bindeglied der frühen Evolution kultiviert - Erster Blick aufs Innenleben einer Asgard-Archaee bestätigt Parallelen zu Eukaryoten - The ancestor of all life on Earth may have been discovered - it is a microbe with a "skeleton" (

The Print: Study sheds light on the origin of complex life forms – ThePrint – ANIFeed

ANInews: Study sheds light on the origin of complex life forms (

swifttelecast: Researchers cultivate 'missing link' microorganism - ScienceDaily - swifttelecast

Medienportal Uni Wien: Dem Ursprung komplexer Lebewesen auf der Spur ( Eukaryogenesis: Questions in Questions in Questions


Read the full article here: Actin cytoskeleton and complex cell architecture in an Asgard archaeon | Nature

Or download below.

© Rodrigues-Oliveira et al. 2022, Nature. SEM imaging of fixed ‘Ca. L. ossiferum’. Scale bars, 500 nm.

© Rodrigues-Oliveira et al. 2022, Nature. Fig. 4: Complex and variable architecture of ‘Ca. L. ossiferum’ cells.

Thiago Rodrigues-Oliveira

Christa Schleper

Rafael I. Ponce-Toledo

Simon K.-M. R. Rittmann