Marina Monsserat presents PhD thesis project


"Exploring the effects of biological nitrification inhibitors in the soil microbial communities"

Please join us for the upcoming public presentation of the PhD thesis projects of Marina Monsserat and others within the framework of the Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution (VDSEE):


"Exploring the effects of biological nitrification inhibitors in the soil microbial communities"

Candidate: Marina Monsserat

Supervisors: Christa Schleper, Melina Kerou

Chair: Christian Griebler



Friday, 15 March 2024

08:30 - 18:00

SR 3.1 (UBB, Djerassiplatz 1, 1030 Vienna)



For the full program inkluding all speakers, please click here or visit the file below.

We are looking forward to your attendance!

Marina Monsserat