Let's Talk About Symbiosis Seminar


In person only on 30.03.2023 from 13:00 - 17:15 at the University Biology Building UBB.


On Thursday, 30 March, 2023, the "Let's Talk About Symbiosis" Seminar will take place at the University Biology Building UBB (Djerassiplatz 1, 1030 Vienna).


A great program with exciting talks from diverse areas of microbial symbiosis research awaits, including Nicole Krause with her talk "Getting a taste of symbiosis".


Let's Talk About Symbiosis

30.03.2023 from 13:00 - 17:15

University Biology Building UBB (Djerassiplatz 1, 1030 Vienna) HS 2 & HS 3

In person only!


For more information, please see program below. 


If you are interested in joining LTAS, please contact Johanna Spiegelhofer (johanna.spiegelhofer@univie.ac.at) for registration information.