On Thursday, 22 October 2020, 17:15 p.m. Logan Hodgskiss will give a talk on the Green Labs Austria Initiative.
The talk will be hosted on Zoom and is part of the Pharma and Food Lecture Series.
Green Labs Austria aims at contibuting to transforming lab work towards a more sustainable future, following the terms of the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development.
This topic is of great relevance regarding sustainable research. We therefore sincerely invite researchers, technicians, students and any interested parties to join the discussion.
The Green Labs Austria Initiative
Moving towards a sustainable future is a primary goal for humanity as we look towards the future. But how does this apply to laboratories, whose research is fundamental to understanding the world we live in, but who also produce a large amount of waste? Green Labs Austria is a non-profit organization that was founded to help address these concerns. Green Labs Austria aims to connect laboratories in Austria that share the vision of a more sustainable research. We want to change the status quo of resource management and offer guidelines for a transition to more environmentally aware research practices. We hope to achieve this by collaborating with groups and institutions from various disciplines and implementing lab practices that will help conserve resources. Specifically, we want to reform how labs and scientists think about energy consumption, plastic consumption, and recycling. For biologists and for scientists of all disciplines, sustainable research practices should represent a natural part of our daily work and our passion. Green Labs Austria hopes to connect people and ideas to help make this a reality.
Join Zoom Meeting
Thursday, 22nd October, 17:15 p.m.