Ecological Impact of the Global N-Cycle and Perspectives for Sustainability


Tu, 25 July 2017, 1:15 p.m.

Auditorium, Campus of the University of Vienna


Join us for a special session on nitrogen open to the public!

In the framework of the International Conference on Nitrification and Related Processes (ICoN5) we are happy to draw your attention to a

Special session: Sustainability and the N-cycle

(in collaboration with the Austrian Academy of Sciences and open to the public)

Session chairs: Gerhard Herndl and Bess Ward

Keynote lectures will be held by:

Eric Davidson, University of Maryland, USA

"Manure happens: Unintended environmental consequences of nourishing over seven billion human omnivores"

Jan Willem Erisman, Louis Bolk Institute, The Netherlands

"Food for thought: Nitrogen too much of a vital resource?"

[Read WWF Science Brief "Nitrogen too much of a vital resource" by Erisman et al, 2015]

Human modifications of the global nitrogen cycle, triggered by huge increase in food demand to satisfy an increasing human population are the cause of dramatic environmental challenges. Excess nitrogen -introduced by chemical or organic fertilizers- not only affects climate or air/water quality, but is one of the central global challenges affecting ecosystem integrity and biodiversity. Concepts are in the making to reverse or prevent further detrimental effects on nature... [programme].