Die CRISPR-Whisper Roadshow


Wissenschaft erleben in Wien

From Friday, 24.05.2024 to Sunday 26.05.2024 the CRISPR-Whisper Roadshow will reside in Vienna, with most events taking place here, at the University of Vienna Biology Building (UBB, Djerassiplatz 1, 1030 Vienna).

Goal of this free event is to increase knowledge and understanding of the interested public in CRISPR technology, to introduce future prospects, but also to discuss possible risks and ethical reservations.

Funded through the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the roadshow will include:

  • Lectures - understandable and inclusive for everyone
  • Experiments - option to experience CRISPR first-hand
  • Theatre-performance - laboratory life
  • Science Cafe - science, fun, and science fiction
  • Workshop - Knowledge is art

All events are free of charge but may require registration due to limits in number of participants.

For more information, please visit www.crispr-whisper.de.

Thank you very much for joining!

Here are some impressions of the lectures and experiments.

Click here for picture gallery to CRISPR roadshow