Simon Rittmann receives funding for 2 projects in the framework of the national programme COMET (Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies).
"Process engineering and modelling"
"Archaeal CO2 fixation pathways"
The projects are part of the FFG COMET: #906853 project 'Carbon utilization for bioproduction'.
Funding agency K2 centre: Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (acib GmbH)
Congratulations Simon!
More about COMET: "...The competence centres programmes are internationally recognised as best-practice model and have been among the most successful technology policy initiatives in Austria. COMET Competence Centres conduct application-oriented cutting-edge research at the highest level..."
More about acib: "...acib leads the development of industrial biotechnology to find solutions for a bio-based circular economy and better health for all..."
FFG article (23.10.2023): "... Im aktuellen Forschungsprogramm werden industrielle biotechnologische Lösungen für den Übergang zu einer biobasierten Kreislaufwirtschaft und eine bessere Gesundheit entwickelt..."