This Wednesday, 21st of July at 13.30 p.m. Climate@MaxPerutzLabs will try to answer questions on how to travel and participate in workshops and meetings sustainably.
You are welcome to join the E-symposium on mobility in academia:
Jul 21, 2021 13:30 PM Vienna
Meeting ID: 839 4061 6851
Passcode: 766004
Topics: best practices, alternatives and sustainable solutions for science communication.
In collaboration with the UNI-VIT (UNI-VIT Unabhängige Initiative für Vielfalt und Transparenz) at the university of Vienna.
Please click here for the full program and poster or download below.
Communication is one of the corner stones of successful research. Exchanging ideas, presenting recent results and setting up collaborations has allowed all sciences to develop to the great levels they are today. To tackle the challenges of climate change we will have to find new ways to keep communication for all scientists at a high level without affecting the climate. Flights to meetings combined with indirect cost of meetings comprises for many research organization over 50% of their CO2 footprint. As scientist, teachers, citizens we have a clear obligation to show that change is possible and that science communication can be organized in a more sustainable manner. We have all have seen the change during the Covid-19 pandemic and we as Climate@MaxPerutzLabs want to help to build back better. During the E-symposium we will discuss how to measure your footprint of travels, highlight strategies how to avoid air travel and provide alternatives like video conferencing and train travel. Please join us.