Christa Schleper receives Wittgenstein Award 2022


We are thrilled to announce that Christa Schleper, head of our department, received Austria's most prestigious science award for her ground-breaking research in Archaea biology and microbial ecology.

Christa Schleper received the Austrian Wittgenstein Award 2022 for her exceptional contributions to the topic of microbial ecology. Her studies have led to groundbreaking discoveries and increased our understanding of the nitrogen cycle.

The Wittgenstein Award is conferred once every year by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and provides both recognition and support to excellent scholars/scientists, who have already produced exceptional scientific work and who occupy a prominent place in the international scientific community. 

The award is associated with financial support up to a maximum of 1.5 million € to be spent over a period of five years. It is intended to enhance and extend the research possibilities of the awardee and his or her group. It is awarded by the Federal Minister for Science.


News coverage

FWF: Christa Schleper Is Austria’s New Wittgenstein Award Winner 2022

FWF scilog: Ein Abend für die Wissenschaften

Universität Wien Rudolphina: WITTGENSTEIN-PREIS FÜR CHRISTA SCHLEPER "Das Neue reizt mich immer wieder" (includes video)

ORF: AUSZEICHUNG - Wittgenstein-Preis an Mikrobiologin Schleper

Wiener Zeitung: Mikrobiologin Schleper mit Wittgenstein-Preis geehrt

Die Presse: Wie archaische Lebewesen das Klima prägen

Der Standard: WITTGENSTEIN-PREIS 2022 - Mikrobiologin Christa Schleper erhält den diesjährigen "Austro-Nobelpreis"

Der Standard: Mikrobiologin Schleper: "Dieses Forschungsfeld brummt gerade so richtig"

Kurier: Mikrobiologin Christa Schleper erhält den Austro-Nobelpreis 2022

Kurier: Christa Schleper: In heißen Quellen urtümlichen Lebewesen auf der Spur

Salzburger Nachrichten: Mikrobiologin Christa Schleper erhält "Austro-Nobelpreis" 2022

Vienna Online: Mikrobiologin Christa Schleper bekommt "Austro-Nobelpreis" 2022

News: Wittgenstein-Preis geht an Mikrobiologin Christa Schleper

Falter: Was haben Mikroorganismen mit der Düngung zu tun, Frau Schleper? - FALTER 26/22 -


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© APA/Florian Wieser

Gerhard Ecker (Dean of Faculty of Life Sciences), Christa Schleper (Head of Department of Functional and Evolutionary Biology), Gerhard Herndl (Director of Studies - Ecology and Evolution Directorate of Doctoral Studies)

Monika Henzinger (Wittgenstein awardee 2021) and Christa Schleper