On Monday, 26.04.2021, Christa Schleper joined the Lectures for Future Panel-Diskussion:
"What should be the role of universities in fighting the climate crisis? Does TU Wien do enough?"
Discuessed were the questions:
- What role should universities have in fighting the climate crisis? In teaching, research, public outreach?
- How should the climate crisis be communicated to students?
- Did you observe any change in relevance of climate-related content in teaching during the past years? And in the awareness among students?
- What potential do you see in the Lectures for Future?
- Does TU Wien do enough, what& could be improved?
Discussing these topics were Rene Sedmik (Scientists for Future, TU Wien, Atominstitut), Christa Schleper (Lectures for Future, Uni Wien, Mikrobiologie), Anna Kalhorn (Build for Future, TU Wien), Klara Butz (Students for Future, Fridays for Future), Mariette Vreughdenil (TU GreenTeam, TU Wien, Geodäsie und Geoinformation), and Christian Hellmich (TU Wien, Festigkeitslehre und Biomechanik)
Panel-Diskussion Lectures for Future TU Wien, organized by Wouter Dorigo, Christian Peer, and Helena Bernhardt, TU Wien
"Lectures for Future" is an interdisciplinary lecture series initiated by Scientists for Future. It's aim is to provide all interested parties with insight into the current state of science concerning the topics climate crisis, environment, and society.