Lecture Series Ringvorlesung 290055 VO (2020W):
Climate Change and Climate Crisis - Future perspectives and concepts
Join us for the lecture by
26 November 2020
Thursday, 4:45-6:15 p.m.
Weather attribution studies
Otto is Acting Director of the Environmental Change Institute (ECI), University of Oxford, and an Associate Professor in the Global Climate Science Programme. She leads and coordinates the distributed computing climate modelling project climateprediction.net.
She is the co-lead of World Weather Attribution (WWA), an international effort to analyse and communicate the possible influence of climate change on extreme weather events.
Her main research interest is on extreme weather events improving and developing methodologies to answer the question of ‘whether and to what extent external climate drivers alter the likelihood of extreme weather‘.
She is one of just 10 international climate scientists to join the core writing team of the IPCC Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6).
Friederike Otto is a physicist by training but gained a PhD in philosophy of science from the Free University Berlin.
Link to livestream: https://ustream.univie.ac.at/live/watch.html?id=6450182b-4cb7-4e43-bfe4-14ceab4c98e6